Balloon Festa

We can see beautiful balloon in November every year. The Saga where is west part of Japan International Balloon Fiesta is held outside Saga City. Involves more than 100 balloons, from around 15 countries taking part in the festival. This fiesta started in 1978 as a small gathering of 5 balloons, it was small festa in the past, but this festa is a big event in November now. I used to live this city when I was college student, I learned English in that time, so we went to this festa as volunteer with foreigner every year, so it reminds me from this festa. The competitions are held from about 6:30 to 9:00am and from 3:00 to 5:00pm, it has gained the reputation of being one of the best hot balloon competitions in the world!








6 thoughts on “Balloon Festa

  1. Timothy Price says:

    That’s cool. Great photos. It’s interesting that they have the spectators barricaded from the balloons. At the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, which they now limit to around 800 balloons, thousands of people are on the field with the balloons as they inflate and launch.

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